Cardiacs Debrief

OK, you’re wondering. What happened at that Cardiacs tribute/benefit show I was so busily hyping up?

Short answer: Go ask Laura: “Too Many Irons (and Other Recipes).”

Longer answer: As some of you are aware, I’m a family man and I’ve got an actual job outside of music. Between a short-handed situation at home (think of a power play in hockey, where every goal allowed equals a kid evading bedtime), Mother’s Day, and the fact that I had a crack-of-dawn flight to New York the next morning … I had to make an executive decision.

Depending on your point of view, I either did something really noble or wussed out.

I miss a show for similar reasons just about every month, but this one really hurt. The musicians put so much work into learning these songs, and it might have been my only chance to see these songs live. It would have been thrilling to watch them pull off “R.E.S.” (Don’t know the song? Video here.)

Congratulations to all involved, and to Dominique Leone and Moe Staiano for pulling it off. Wish I coulda been there.

But Wait There’s More:  (Update 5/28) … Of course, I should have realized Polly Moller and Amar Chaudhary would blog about their experiences being part of this show.

Amar, about the preparation:  ReCardiacs Fly at Cafe Du Nord.

Polly, about the show: We Rocked Ourselves Silly for Tim Smith.

(To review: here are my previous blog entries in reverse chronological order. Or, click the “cardiacs” tag at bottom to see what other WordPressers have said.)

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